Thursday, January 21, 2016

Dear Amy Shumer, I Believe You!

When you check today's news headlines you will see that another comic has been accused of stealing jokes. This time around it's Amy Schumer, and for those who are jumping on the "see she's not really funny, she just steals her jokes" bandwagon I suggest you take this test.

Think of your life over the last few days and say something funny about it....go ahead I'll wait.... c'mon say something funny! Truth is, it's not that easy and when we are forced to think of something funny we will gravitate toward common life experiences i.e. "Airline Food...What's Up With That?".

One of the jokes Amy was accused of stealing was a bit about a diet plan where a guy slaps the food out of your hand just as you are putting it in your mouth, who hasn't thought about that? You see when comics or writers are tasked with being "funny" they take common experiences and write about it and guess what happens (spoiler alert) often they come up with the same funny line.

After spending most of my working life being tasked with the "say something funny!" task I have come up with an idea for a joke only to find that 8 or 10 other radio morning guys thought of the same line which proves the adage "sometimes the jokes write themselves".

Amy Schumer has mad skills at being funny and the jokes that she supposedly stole are too easy which is why when Amy says she's didn't steal the jokes I believe her. Besides, I'm sure Amy has the resources to hire people to come up with jokes for her if she needed to. You did know that many comics hire writers to make them funny right?